Overarching power and influence of the executive weakening national integrity – TI

Friday, 23 May 2014 01:12 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Transparency International said yesterday that the overarching power and influence of the executive is weakening the national integrity system of Sri Lanka. In releasing the latest corruption report in South Asia, TI also said 64% of Sri Lankans believe that corruption in the country has increased over the last two years. “The centralization of power on the Executive has eroded the constitutional checks and balances, leading to abuse of power and widespread misappropriation. The supremacy of the legislature as the mandate of the people has been challenged along with the independence of the judicial system,” TI said in its report titled “Fighting Corruption in South Asia: Building Accountability.” Sri Lanka’s rank in Global Corruption Perceptions Index in 2013 was 91 out of 177 countries with a score of 37 out of 100. A score of 50 or less indicates a serious corruption problem. TI said 62% of Sri Lankans believe that corruption in the public sector is a problem or a serious problem. “The independence of the public sector suffers from political influence. Although the Public Service Commission oversees the appointments, promotions, transfers, discipline, and dismissals of public officers, the Commission itself is appointed by the President,” the report added. Highlighting gaps in the Anti-Corruption Mechanism; TI said Sri Lanka’s Bribery Act of 1994 is yet to undergo any revision or update. The current act does not include private and civil society sectors and does not conform to the provisions of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. The report stated that 43% of Sri Lankans e reported paying a bribe to the police in the last 12 months Among recommendations of TI are Ensure the independence of the public service: Lobby for the revision in laws and the constitution in order to ensure an independent public service Revision of Bribery Act: It is recommended to revise the existing Bribery Act to better conform to the UNCAC and international best practices. Laws ensuring the Right to Information: Introduce, adopt and implement laws to ensure citizen’s right to information to promote transparency and accountability within all sectors and strata.