Waters Edge to expand with 4 new complexes

Wednesday, 8 October 2014 00:56 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Earth work on a large-scale was set in motion to widen Waters Edge in Battaramulla in the presence of Ministry of Defence and Urban Development Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Monday. Along with this giant step forward, situated in the hub of the administrative capital, Waters Edge will add on four new 15-storeyed complexes embedded with state-of-art facilities. The Urban Development Authority is carrying out the construction in collaboration with Sanken Construction Ltd. The proposed facility will expand the horizon of the hotel while adding new features such as a modern swimming pool, a spacious vehicle park and 182 fully-fledged rooms, in addition to many more amenities. Given its magnitude, the project is poised to boost growth in the suburban fabric, transforming and upgrading the value and usage of vast areas surrounding the development. More importantly, Waters Edge development has proved that it is a profitable commercial venture which undoubtedly provides value addition to its clients. Chief of Defence Staff General Jagath Jayasuriya, Chairperson of Urban Development Authority (UDA) Nimal Perera, Additional Secretary (Technical) of the Ministry of Defence Rohan Senevirathne, officials of Waters Edge Hotel, UDA officials and members of Sanken Construction were also present on Monday.