Continental Insurance hosts cocktails with Pusswedilla

Wednesday, 17 July 2013 00:05 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

In its continued commitment towards the arts in Sri Lanka, Continental Insurance was the main sponsor of the recently performed and hugely popular Pusswedilla 4, written and directed by Feroze Kamardeen. Due to its popularity the play ran for four consecutive days, with nine repeat shows to a packed house. From the very inception, CILL has come forward as a leading sponsor to enable the advancement of art, theatre and culture in Sri Lanka. It has consistently assisted and enabled a diverse number of productions and artists.  CILL is proud to acknowledge the overwhelming positive response by the general public to the play with repeated requests from its customers for tickets. In appreciation, Continental Insurance hosted many of its distinguished corporate clients to a performance of the play followed by fellowship and cocktails with some of the main cast members