Cyber Security via Night Hack

Monday, 1 July 2013 00:55 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The first of its kind Night Hack, an evening of live demonstrations of hacking, was held last week as the final event of the Cyber Security Summit co-organised by the Daily FT and CICRA Consultancies Ltd., at the Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo. CICRA Consultancies Head of Consultants and Master Trainer Krishnan Rajagopal conducted three sessions showcasing vulnerabilities of corporate IT infrastructure and how they can be compromised. He described the first of his sessions as ‘Monkey see, monkey do’ acts. He said anyone who sees how this compromising of vulnerabilities is done, can practice and do the damage to corporate IT infrastructure. During the session, Krishna showed how expensive prices of a shopping cart can be reduced to cheaper prices; i.e. how a price of a business class flight ticket can be reduced to a very cheap price, much less than an economy class ticket, how prices of an online shopping cart of a flower store and IT sales store can drastically be reduced. He also showed how public Wi-Fi connections can be compromised. Krishna demonstrated how a hacker can penetrate into a network when he is connected to the same network. Examples he showed included how the hacker can see and hijack the sessions of the users of a particular network when they are connected.– Pix by Upul Abayasekara