Sri Lankan businessmen honoured at COYLE 14th anniversary celebrations

Friday, 15 March 2013 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lanka’s leading business figures assembled in a gala evening when the Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs (COYLE) officially announced its new Chairman Wasantha de Silva at the Chambers’ Annual General Meeting. The meeting preceded the celebrations honouring excellence and achievement in Sri Lankan business at its 14th annual event at the Oak Room of Cinnamon Grand on 10th March.

In keeping with the principles and aspirations of COYLE, the evening was adorned by a truly traditional atmosphere with a mixture of national garb and décor depicting the country’s national flower – the Blue Water Lilly and the cutting of  kiribath. Achievers’ awards were presented to the 12 top achievers selected by a distinguished panel of COYLE committee members.  A high level audience of over 350 guests that included Chief Guest Minister of External Affairs Prof. G.L. Peiris, Bandula Gunewardena, Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Members of the Parliament, Ministers of the Provincial Councils, mayors, diplomats, Government officials, local Government officials and businessmen.

“Sri Lanka’s time has come to realise its full potential. Some of the most inspiring and transformational changes I see across Sri Lanka lie outside our traditional areas of strength and offer perhaps the brightest prospects for the future. Companies are now judged , not by how fast they are growing , as growth is assumed, but by whether they are growing faster than the competition,” was the theme of the address given by Prof. G.L. Peiris.

It was further enhanced thus, “The awards highlight the modernisation of business throughout region and set a benchmark in Sri Lanka in the way business is being done. We wanted to encourage those who are making a change, recognising those who in many cases had to overcome much more than their counterparts elsewhere In the world to succeed and pierce through. Sri Lanka has smart, young, ambitious and highly articulate professionals and phenomenally talented entrepreneurs, many at the helm of fast growing and dynamic companies. We are seeing Sri Lankan visionaries and pioneers as well as indigenous companies taking the lead and developing homegrown solutions to our problems.”

The COYLE Awards have become an important and prestigious occasion to celebrate business excellence and recognise the achievements of  businesses and governments that have been contributing to sustained economic growth in the country. By celebrating success, COYLE aims to inspire others and hopes that such inspiration will lead to new business growth and new investment. It is encouraging that there is more and more examples of excellence and business success in the country, creating more opportunities that are ripe for investment. The success of these Awards relies heavily on the commitment and vision of COYLE to convey a new image of Sri Lanka, one that highlights the professionalism, ingenuity and innovation of the business sector.

The welcome address was made by Sanjaya Jayaratne — Senior Vice Chairman, Wasantha de Silva delivered the Chairman’s speech and Vice Chairman Navein Perera delivered the Vote of Thanks.

COYLE also expressed its heartfelt gratitude with tokens of appreciation to the Founder members and past Chairmen for their unique and generous contributions to the creation, development, and support of the Chambers as well as their unwavering commitment to its vision.

The Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs (COYLE) in 1999 commenced its journey towards regenerating the corporate sector, by presenting itself as the milieu that bridges the gap between fundamental business segments in Sri Lanka. Instigated by 17 promising entrepreneurs, COYLE created and enhanced a pro-business environment, which is currently steered by 116 significant members of the Sri Lankan corporate community in investment, finance and industrial relations.

Registered under the Companies Act of No. 17 of 1982, The Chamber is declared as a legitimate association on commercial operations. COYLE is a business information portal that strengthens informal relationships while collaborating ventures and resources that generates new business opportunities. This is the underlining factor that has sustained the continuous existence of the Chamber over the past 14 years.