Standard Chartered’s Priority Banking hosts Wine Tasting Evening

Wednesday, 11 September 2013 01:28 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Standard Chartered recently hosted its Priority Banking Customers to a Wine Tasting Evening at Waters Edge. The Wine Tasting was conducted in partnership with Mega Trading and Ravi Marcelline. The event afforded the bank’s customers insights into the art of wine appreciation, pointers on wine selection and pairing with different types of food. Standard Chartered General Manager Priority and Preferred Banking and Head of Marketing Naresh Adikaram commenting on the event said: “We will endeavour to offer our Priority Customers an exclusive banking experience and this is yet another one in a series of value adding initiatives made available to our Priority Banking customers, emphasising that at Standard Chartered we care for the wellbeing of customers beyond the provision of banking services. It is also a reiteration of our brand promise of being here for people and here for good.” Standard Chartered has continuously engaged with its Priority Banking customers, not only by providing banking and financial services and solutions, but also by facilitating access to lifestyle and aesthetic events. This program, conducted together with Mega Trading, a leading supplier of quality wines in Sri Lanka, was a follow on from similar sessions conducted by the bank for its Priority customers, in previous years.