34% off on 34th anniversary at Salon Nayana

Saturday, 15 March 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Salon Nayana, the nationally and internationally recognised name in the beauty industry celebrates its 34th anniversary on 21 March, offering a generous 34% discount to reward its clientele for their loyal patronage for the past 34 years. Clients who visit the salons during the promotional period between 22 and 28 March will also be entitled to a 20% discount on all their beauty care needs. Opening its doors in 1980, the group of salons now boasts a full staff of stylists and make-up artists, receiving various accolades and awards during its years of existence. With a team of internationally-trained stylists, makeup artists, hair and beauty professionals and personal trainers, the salons work exceeds the expectations of their clients. The services offered by Salon Nayana reach beyond the regular hair and beauty services. Nayana’s range of salons function based on the ideology of “beauty and self-esteem” – the belief that a beautiful well-groomed outer appearance contributes towards inner confidence reflecting an aura of high self-esteem. Celebrating 34 successful years of business, founder of Salon Nayana, founder president of SLAHAB, Member & President of OMC Asia Zone and a member of the Board of governors of IHB, Nayana Karunaratne, states: “Beauty is far more than one’s outer appearance; it is essentially the confidence one reflects through a combination of inner and outer beauty. The ideal salon and beautician should give you a great outer appearance enhancing your personality and bringing out your true depth of character. Beauty is far more what we are than what we appear to be. Looks of course do matter but true beauty encompasses the internal as well as external looks. To inquire about the promotion please call 0112248809.