A home for Monty

Saturday, 1 March 2014 07:11 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Monty is a survivor. He survived being born to a homeless mother; he survived the first two, often rainy months of his life, without a proper shelter. Then he survived the monitor. When the monitor came for Monty, as it did for Monty’s siblings, there was nothing much Monty’s mother and her canine friends could do apart from bark and bar the predator’s path. And they did that until help arrived in the form of some kind policemen who jumped into a dirty, smelly canal to save a homeless puppy. Monty’s skin was badly torn by the monitor and Monty received 27 stitches. He stayed with the doctors and staff of the Vet Clinic at Fife Road. His convalescence will be over soon, and he will need a safe home and a loving family to go to. Please call 072 1407579 if you can provide Monty with a home.