A tribute to women

Saturday, 15 March 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Art exhibition by Henrietta Wickramasinghe

  An exhibition of art, ‘A tribute to women’ by Sri Lankan-Australian artist ‘Chutson’ or Henrietta Wickramasinghe, is on display at the Lionel Wendt Gallery today. The exhibition commenced yesterday. The exhibition showcases a collection of oil and acrylic paintings portraying women of all ages and shapes from around the world.  The pieces reflect a multitude of ethnicities, cultures and human emotions, giving special focus to women and the female figure. Chutson has captured an infinite number of visuals from her travels around the world. Wanting to share and express what she has seen and experienced, she turned to the canvas as her mode of communication and expression; resulting in a large portfolio of unique pieces. Chutson says her inner most thoughts and emotions have been laid bare on her canvases. When asked why she chose to focus more on the female figure, she says that she sees the female body as an art form in itself, with amazing curves and softness. “Femininity, as I see it, is the ability that women around the world posses, to endure physically and emotionally. I have tried to capture this endurance and emotion in my work,” says Chutson. Though similar in form, the body changes and differs as women adapt and conform to social and cultural norms, religious beliefs and environments in different countries, regions and eras. The effect of these compelling factors on the female form is what the artist endeavors to showcase through her pieces. Until now her work has been shared with just a hand full of clients and art enthusiasts. However this year Chutson is ready to share her amazing portraits with a wider audience right here in her homeland – Sri Lanka.