Ariel Dorfman’s masterpiece ‘Widows’ on the Wendt Stage

Wednesday, 7 November 2012 00:30 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A country recovering from a brutal civil war, a village trying to find peace.

Areil Dorfman’s ‘Widows’ is being staged at the Lionel Wendt from 23-25 November.

A play that deals with the suffering and pain of conflict and raises interesting questions on healing and forgiveness, ‘Widows’ is being directed by Feroze Kamardeen.

Featuring Swasha Malalasekara, Wasaam Ismail, Gehan Blok, Dino Corea, Bimsara Premaratne, Neluka Silva, Kimaya de Silva, and a host of talented actors, ‘Widows’ promises to be a riveting production.

‘Widows’ is directed by Feroze Kamardeen and produced by Sirraj Abdul Hameed.

This is an amateur production by StageLight&Magic Inc., under license from Samuel French of U.K. ‘Widows’ is strictly for adults only. Box plan and tickets are available at the Lionel Wendt.

‘Widows’ is sponsored by South Asian Technologies. Official Print Media are The Sunday Times, Daily Mirror and Daily FT. Electronic Media is YES FM. Official Ad Agency is Leo Burnett.