ARTRA Magazine endowment 8 unveils new content categories

Wednesday, 23 October 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

ARTRA Magazine is in its second year. With this endowment, ARTRA has made the attempt to understand, explore and articulate the art space in Sri Lanka, a step further from they have in the previous publications. Hereon, the section ‘Works of Art and Personalities’ provides critical content that deconstructs the scope of a particular field of art in Sri Lanka by an expert in the respective form. So this endowment of ARTRA Magazine shares insights of Ajai Singh on the infrastructure of the fashion industry in Sri Lanka through the role played by Colombo Fashion Week. ARTRA is an imaginative space, so in their attempt to widen different forms of creative expressions, they have articulated a form of photography that has been aptly termed ‘Born Free Art’. Editor Azara Jaleel says: “As an alternative for wildlife photography, Born Free Art celebrates the different perspectives of artists in relation to the subject. The primary reason behind the formulation of Born Free Art is to promote and recognize the readings of artists, as ARTRA is all about promoting creative expression with an agenda.” In line with ARTRA Magazine’s content that attempts to understand, explore and articulate the Sri Lankan art space, they have also dedicated a new section for their contributors to highlight their artistic goals. Through this section, they take turns to feature every contributor and his/her artistic values so readers gain insight into the source in which perspectives have been drawn from for the content published on ARTRA Magazine in the previous publications and the ones coming forward. ARTRA Magazine Oct/Nov endowment can be purchased now at selected outlets. To subscribe call +94772305054.