BreadTalk introduces a range of localised delicacies at affordable prices 

Saturday, 22 February 2014 11:05 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

BreadTalk, the Singapore franchised bakers, breaks the stereotypical perception of being a select bakery, by bringing in a range of delicious buns and cakes at affordable prices. “We’ve introduced a fresh range, so that people can enjoy BreadTalk,” Yatila Wijemanne, Managing Director of BreadTalk said. “The speciality of the range of products is that it comes in localised flavours to delight the appetites of everyone.” These local choices of buns include seeni sambol, vegetable, egg and devilled fish buns and the cake range includes velvety chocolate, vanilla, ribbon and chocolate fudge cakes. The new range of products has enabled BreadTalk to reach out to a wider customer segment within a short time span and BreadTalk is happy to announce that the response received across the outlets have been outstanding and more than expected. The affordability of these products is valued to the highest standards as there is no compromise in quality of the ingredients used. BreadTalk is now catering to a wider market, ensuring that customers receive the best from this boutique bakery. BreadTalk is also famed for its unique localised Lamprais which rates as a favourite among its customers. Be it spicy or sweet, BreadTalk has it all. These ranges of buns and cakes are available at all BreadTalk outlets and they are all freshly baked at each outlet. The motive behind this innovative chain of products is to integrate BreadTalk to the Sri Lankan culture. BreadTalk is a member of FoodBuzz Ltd. and is the licensed franchisee for Sri Lanka. It has been providing scrumptious baked goods for nearly two successive years, attracting more and more customers each day. BreadTalk specialises in the finest of bread, desserts, pastries and other bakery items. The quality of the products is always given prominence and the executive chef together with the innovative crew pay absolute attention to every detail in the production process to ensure that each product is beyond expectation. To enjoy, learn and feel what BreadTalk is all about, visit No. 525, Union Place, Colombo 2, No. 33, Park Street, Colombo 2, No. 84, Thimbirigasyaya Road, Colombo 5 or the BreadTalk Outlet at the World Trade Centre, Colombo 1.