Changing a generation, one episode at a time

Saturday, 22 March 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Television can be a very powerful and effective learning tool for children if used wisely, helping young people discover where they fit into society, develop closer relationships with peers and family, and teach them to understand complex social aspects of communication. Jimi and Friends is a perfect example of this. A dedicated children’s television series, it is produced by Technics Intermedia, reaching over two million children per month and slowly but surely changing the way a generation is learning English. The program is a homegrown effort by the talented team at Technics Intermedia Ltd. The company was founded in 2010 by Angelo de Silva, Managing Creative Director and Shraepathy Attanayake, Finance and Business Director. Today, it is not only Sri Lanka’s first but also its only specialised fully-fledged one-stop production facility, dedicated to quality children’s television programming. The show is designed primarily with educational purposes in mind, with a perfect juxtaposition between entertainment to communicate quality educational content and raising social awareness. The educational impact this show has had on kids from across the island is obvious from all of the letters, photos and pictures that are sent in to their office by both kids and their teachers. “The creativity and the sheer amount of work that goes into producing the show is an enormous challenge. It features a variety of segments like no other program of its kind. It is filmed over seven months and then sent into post production, where the magic of animation and voicing brings everything together. Our attention to detail sets our production standards apart from any other in Sri Lanka. With Jimi and Friends we are looking to deliver a consistently top class show and its impact is visible in how kids respond to us,” stated Angelo. Shraepathy added: “Securing consistent funding for a show as huge as Jimi and Friends is no easy task. However, with the quality that the show introduced into Sri Lankan children’s television, Season 01 enjoyed tremendous success. The show aired 52 episodes a 104 times over 52 weeks consistently achieving top ratings on a National Network. We trust by raising the bar even higher in Jimi and Friends Season 02, where our sponsors and network will be able to surpass the record popularity of Season 01.” Jimi & Friends is highly acclaimed as the country’s number one English Language Children’s TV show, nominated the ‘Most Outstanding Children’s Television Program 2012’ at the Raigam Tele Awards. Another accolade includes Most Viewed Children’s Television Program under the English Children’s Television category in accordance to the TV ratings 2012/2013(LMRB / SRL). You can also find them on – Anisha Niyas