Chitrasena Dance Company performs exclusively for HSBC Premier customers in Kandy

Wednesday, 23 October 2013 00:07 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

HSBC hosted its loyal HSBC Premier customers to an exclusive show by the Chitrasena Dance Company at the Far Pavilions Terrace, Earl’s Regency Hotel, Kandy recently. HSBC’s presence in the historic cultural city dates back to April 1992, when HSBC established its first branch out of Colombo. The annual event has become a much sought after event in Kandy, and this year, HSBC Premier customers were hosted to a special evening of dance by the Chitrasena Dance Company established in the 1940s by legendary dancer Chitrasena to preserve indigenous dance in Sri Lanka. The night’s performance was a culmination of several traditional dance items from the current repertoire that showcased the rich and varied reinterpretations of ancient art forms. HSBC’s association with the Chitrasena Dance Company began in 2010, when the bank rendered its support to uplift traditional dance in Sri Lanka by awarding scholarships to aspiring students in the country. The event followed by refreshments, was attended by over 200 HSBC Premier customers in Kandy, HSBC CEO Patrick Gallagher, Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management Nilantha Bastian together with senior management and HSBC staff members.