Disposable toilet seat covers: for the hygiene conscious

Saturday, 4 February 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

It is a situation everyone faces; when attending functions, travelling with family, at schools, examination halls, gym, theaters, restaurants, hospitals, trains or even at work! When need arises there is no waiting! Unfortunately common toilets are shared by many. Hundreds of people would have used that seat before it was last cleaned.

It is a disposable piece of paper, shaped like the toilet seat itself that can be placed on the seat by its user. Once used, it will be pulled into the toilet bowl by flushing water. They are quite thin and smooth.  This paper begins to disintegrate after a few minutes contact with water and far less of it makes it into the sewage system and will not block the drain.

Its purpose is to safeguard the toilet’s user from germs, viruses etc. that may be resting on the bare toilet seat. Through the use of disposable toilet seat covers one can provide protection and give user a sense of relief to sit on the toilet seat.

There are other types which are simply too large to fit down the drain, and don’t dissolve in water. These are meant to be thrown away in the trash. Unlike water soluble type, these papers are to be removed with hand which is not pleasant.

The “Softness” Disposable Toilet Seat Covers, which are currently available at our leading super markets are high quality bio-degradable, water-soluble and environment-friendly type, and comes in a travel pack of 10 pieces. It is a small pack which can be easily carried in a trouser pocket or small handbag.