Dulux to struts its stuff at Colombo Fashion Week 2012

Wednesday, 22 February 2012 01:24 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A business meeting that’s steeped in style is the overall impression of Colombo fashion week. In the midst of young local Sri Lankan designers showcasing their latest collections, is one organisation that brings ‘fashion for walls’ with their colour range known as Dulux Ambiance. As the Official Colour Forecaster for Colombo fashion week 2012 Dulux will showcase their colour interpretation for the year.

The process of selecting the colour palette begins at the aesthetic centre in the United Kingdom where once Akzo Nobel Paints Lanka Managing Director Gerald De Saram addressing the CFW 2012 launchevery year, Akzo Nobel invites an international group of creative experts from architects to fashion designers to interior designers and colour gurus in order to determine the colour trends for the next year.  The experts come from different parts of the world and draw on a variety of cultural sources and influences, from fine art to technology from nature to pop culture.

Their views, insights and findings on trends are then translated into colour palettes. These colour palettes are then grouped into trends with suitable themes. The overall concept for 2012 is ‘possibilities’ which has the ability to inspire from the new found appreciation for simplicity and the joy found in the everyday.

To bring more glamour to an already glamorous event Dulux will have a segment each day titled ‘fashion portraits’. The crème-de-la-crème of Colombo will have the opportunity of having their photograph taken against a stylish backdrop and will receive the image as a keepsake from the occasion. In addition participants will also be able to gain a full understanding about the 2012 colour palette.

Speaking at the press conference of Colombo Fashion Week 2012 Akzo Nobel Paints Lanka Pvt Ltd Managing Director Gerald De Saram said, “This is our first venture in to this event. April, last year Dulux Ambiance launched the tag line ‘Fashion for Walls’ and from that we got inspiration to participate. What is a paint company doing at a fashion event? We are in the business of colour, building lifestyles and forecasting, obviously fashion is the next logical area for us. We have the technology to do colour forecasting correctly and predict colours for the Colombo Fashion Week this year. The process we use to forecast colour happens at the aesthetic centre in the United Kingdom. 12 to 15 experts from the fields of architecture, fashion and interior design gather each year to predict the trends that are in vogue.  These trends have specific colour palettes which embodies the overall concept. In this way Dulux can bring a unique and refreshing view on colour trends to this fashion event.”

Glamour and style will be plentiful at Colombo fashion week and now with the participation of Dulux, the stylish of Colombo can not only get insight into the latest clothing trends but also insight into making their living spaces as fashionable as them.