Fairway Holdings comes onboard as Premier Sponsor of CMSC

Friday, 30 August 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Chamber Music Society of Colombo (CMSC) announced that Fairway Holdings, the high-end real estate developer, has come onboard as Premier Sponsor of the CMSC through to the 2016 season. With this multi-year commitment, Fairway Holdings becomes the exclusive Premier Sponsor of the CMSC. CMSC Artistic Director Lakshman Joseph de Saram commented: “The generous multi-year sponsorship by Fairway Holdings will allow the Chamber Music Society to enhance its originality and relevance as one of the leading organisations of the Sri Lankan arts community. With this sponsorship, the CMSC will strengthen and expand already established artistic bench marks and be able to advance fresh initiatives that will increase its engagement with the music loving people living in Sri Lanka. We are grateful to Fairway Holdings for their shared commitment in adding value to the city we live in by supporting the classical arts and its appreciation among wider audiences.” “The Chamber Music Society has done much to add a greatly needed professional musical experience to the cultural calendar of Sri Lanka,” said Paul Ratnayeke, Senior Advisor to the Board of Fairway Holdings. “We are proud to be able to help further the high artistic standards set by the CMSC by being its Premier Sponsor.” The CMSC next performs at the Lionel Wendt Theater on 17 October, presenting ‘The Rohan Joseph de Saram 10th Anniversary Memorial Concert,’ featuring Kishani Jayasinghe, soprano.