Friends of Prisoners’ Children to hold charity concert on 21 Nov.

Friday, 15 November 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • ‘Imagine’ – a concert for the child
‘Imagine’ – A concert for the children organised by ‘Friends of Prisoners’ Children’ (commonly known as FPC) will be held on 21 November 2013, at the Bishop’s College Auditorium at 7 p.m. A selection of popular artistes will be performing at the show. ‘Friends of Prisoner’s Children’, an organisation of volunteers, was formed as an Association in 2006, to consolidate and expand a program that had begun in 2005, to give scholarships to children of long-term prisoners in Welikada Prisons. The brainchild of Rev. Sister Immaculate de Alwis, the Association seeks to support and befriend these children by setting up psychosocial development programs, donating school books, giving them monetary awards to continue their education in the school they attend in their home town/village and setting up a prison function that allows these children to see and spend time with their parents. Registered at the NGO Secretariat, as required by the Ministry of Social Welfare, the patrons of the Association are respected figures in Sri Lanka’s business community whilst the Committee members headed by its Founder and Chairperson, Rev. Sister Immaculate de Alwis are dedicated and focused on giving of their best to what they term as ‘the forgotten children’. The Commissioner General of Prisons extends support to the Association through the SP Welfare, the Superintendent of the Welikada Prisons and the Welfare Officers. In fact, one Welfare Officer is officially designated to assist the Association with their work as the scholarship recipients are selected through applications made by the prisoners, as a part of their rehabilitation, through the Welfare Officer. ‘Child of a criminal’ stigma When a crime is committed, it is usually the children who suffer from it. Their education is stopped, the means to provide for them becomes harder, lesser or even lost due to the breadwinner being jailed. The children become misfits in society as they have to live under the stigma of being the ‘child of a criminal’, due to no fault of theirs. They feel as though they too are going through a prison term themselves. A highlight of the Association’s annual activities is when children from all parts of the island, accompanied by their guardians, are invited to spend a day and interact with their parent/s within the premises of the prison. This event is usually held during the first week of January every year and is mainly to encourage and motivate the children to rise above the challenges they face. A program of entertainment, with breakfast and lunch is provided and the children leave with a gift of school books, stationery and sometimes toys. Many success stories have resulted from the scholarship and sponsorship programs. There is the girl who passed the ‘A’ levels so well and ranked on the national level, and thereafter obtained a first class honours degree at the University of Kelaniya. In order to delve into the psychological and emotional impact on the child whose parent is serving a jail term, the Friends of Prisoners’ Children had organised a Workshop which was held at St. Bridget’s Convent Colombo 07, on 26 October 2013. The concert  is organised to cover the shortfall in scholarships, expenses for the January event, as well as to create a deposit fund to cover these expenses in the future. All proceeds of the concert will go towards improving the future of these marginalised children. For more information visit