Handmade, with love

Saturday, 11 January 2014 10:48 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Cindy’s Creations presents unique handmade cards to suit every mood and occasion
By Cheranka Mendis Life has a strange way of bringing out the best in us. For some it is through the happiest times they realise their worth and for some others, trials and tribulations are the stepping stones in bringing out their capabilities in full force, helping them tackle real life while doing what they love. For Cindy Goonetilleke (Woutersz) it was the latter that helped bring out her creativity in complete force, although creativity was something that was running in her blood, passed down from her parents to their three children. Now the sole creator and founder of Cindy’s Creations, a small scale business that is gaining quick popularity on Facebook, Goonetilleke acknowledged that it was the difficulties in life that forced her to reach into her creative powers and come up with the beautifully handmade cards to suit every mood and occasion. The mother of two grown daughters, Goonetilleke came face-to-face with difficult times a few years ago and in trying to keep the home-front running, stumbled across the idea of making cards. But this was not something new to her. “Growing up, crafts were something that always intrigued me,” she said. “When I was around the age of 11 and 13, one of our neighbours used to cross-stitch a lot. I was fascinated about the colours and especially the cross-stitch book, which was a rare luxury during our growing up years in the ’60s.” It didn’t take long for Goonetilleke, then Woutersz, to maintain her own cross-stitch book, by drawing patterns and designs on a square rule book, marking the different colours to be used with symbols. “I still have that book,” Goonetilleke recalled. “That lady was always encouraging and I loved doing this during my free time.” Perhaps, it isn’t surprising as her mother was a seamstress, conjuring beautiful dresses from cloth her father used to bring. Explaining her creative genes, she noted that her father and her other siblings were all into music. “My father could play any instrument. My sister sings and my brother is a guitarist. We were all creative in our own way. When they choose music, I choose crafts.” She expressed that her love for cross-stitch was the first to emerge when things were not as easy as it was. However due to the immense concentration and the need to be extremely watchful in creating something between four small dots, her eye sight began to weaken. “Unfortunately this wasn’t a successful venture. It was then that I started making cards.” Her daughters, Kylie and Daneeka soon joined forces and supported her in whichever way they could. “My girls have been a big strength to me. Daneeka was my personal photographer in time of need and Kylie always has beautiful ideas and suggestions which made it possible to put my heart and soul in to each card.” Her cards, as seen in the photographs that accompany the article are unique and innovative. Thanks to the internet, she manages to expand her ideas, combining them with the latest trends and designs that are practiced and followed by a million of people worldwide. “I like to research on the likes of Pinterest because they always have some beautiful ideas. I am careful to mix what I gather there with my own ideas so that the outcome is truly unique.” She quills, she crafts and her cards are a fascinating mix of colour, illustrating stories of their own. Her customer base is slowly growing from her close circle of friends to those who link up through Facebook. However, up-to-date, her biggest customer is her younger sister. “I am grateful for the support of my sisters and their families, Debbie and Milroy, and Glenice and Ansley,” she said. “A big thanks also goes out to Shanika Salih, the most encouraging and inspiring personality.” Having been gifted with a Cuttlebug, a machine that helps in making beautiful crafts, she hopes to extend her business further, going in to wedding invitation and cake boxes during the year. “My mind is set on expanding this,” Goonetilleke said. “I am happy and I am enjoying this. I hope those who receive these cards are as happy as I am when I made them. I put my heart and soul in to every creation; it is a true outcome of love and passion.”