Hilton Colombo observes Earth Hour

Wednesday, 4 April 2012 00:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Hilton Colombo switched off all its non essential lights to mark Earth Hour. Keeping in line with the Earth Hour theme of 60+, Hilton Colombo went beyond one hour making this year’s Earth Hour a memorable event.

Spices, Spoons and the Thorana Lounge also switched off their lighting for one hour, allowing diners to enjoy their dinner by candlelight. Spices restaurant served an authentic Hydrabadi themed buffet and Spoons went one step further by creating a four course proximity/organic set menu, with most of the ingredients being sourced locally from within the Colombo district and all produce being organically grown. The objective of sourcing the ingredients from within Colombo was to reduce the carbon footprint.

Guests also enjoyed the Earth Hour Jazz night at the hotel’s exquisite Thorana Lounge and bar with live jazz music – “unplugged”. Fine Things pastry shop joined in on the celebrations with green themed, organic cup cakes. The cupcakes were prepared by chefs at the hotel using fresh organic ingredients with a host of flavours such as carrot, pineapple, beetroot, banana, strawberry and mango.

The highlight of the evening was the gigantic organic cupcake display which was in the shape of the Earth Hour 60 + sign and it illuminated the lobby. In House guests were invited at 8:30 p.m. to indulge in this intricately designed organic cupcake display. All monies that were collected as donations for the sale of the organic cup cakes will be used towards a tree planting initiative by the Hilton Colombo in the following month keeping to the symbolic gesture of going beyond the hour.