HSBC contributes to a musical symphony

Saturday, 11 August 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka (SOSL) concluded its annual Young Soloists’ Concert on July 28, 2012 at the Ladies College Hall with HSBC acting as sponsor for the seventeenth consecutive year. Joining several ardent classical music enthusiasts was Chief Guest, Sriyan Cooray, Acting Chief Executive Officer for HSBC Sri Lanka and Maldives.

This year’s concert featured four talented soloists’ who showcased their diverse talent. Pianist Louis Page thrilled the audience with a remarkable display of skill and interpretation of Chopin’s memorable piano concerto No. 2, while violist Mangala Abeysekera performed the melodious Stamitz Viola concerto with confidence.  

Soprano Thivanthi Perera and baritone Laknath Seneviratne, delighted the audience with their wonderful singing in some of opera’s loved arias. The audience was full of praise for the evening’s entertainment and talent of the young musicians.

Sharmini Wettimuny, Chairperson for the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka stated, “The Young Soloists’ concert provides an opportunity for talented young musicians to showcase their skills by performing with the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka.  Many former young soloists have gone on to perform on the international stage, using this initial exposure as their inspiration to continue their musical career.

“HSBC, with their steadfast support and sponsorship of this concert over the last seventeen years, has truly proven their commitment to investing in youth. The SOSL is deeply appreciative of the bank’s loyal and continuous support of this concert in particular and of western classical music in general.”