Impending doom

Saturday, 4 February 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Hela Distributions presents the country’s first metal gig for 2012, Doom Over Colombo featuring a rare line up of giants from Sri Lanka’s extreme metal underground.

As the organisers claim: it’s nothing less, nothing more and no compromises with a stellar gathering of bands past to present includes Whirlwind, Fallen Grace, Old Castles Massacre, Forsaken, Manifestator, Pariah Demise, Mass Damnation, Ablaze, Serpents Athirst and Last Long Sleep. The event will also pay a memorial to two fallen brothers in metal, Mario Siriwardena and Nadun Jayasuriya. Fans can get posters (Rs. 300/= per poster) autographed from their favorite bands at the concert.