Independence Square: The cultural and sporting heart of Colombo

Saturday, 5 November 2011 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Sophie Watkins

Have you ever tried exercising at Independence Square (IS) at the Cinnamon Garden area early in the morning or in the evening?

I heard by word of mouth that IS, as I now call it, was popular walk or jog so obviously I had to give it a go. I am now one of the regulars, coming at least three times a week. What a great place to get re-energise in the morning!

The square is a beautifully arranged and maintained location occupying a prominent position in Colombo and has become a significant centre for national celebrations and cultural activities. Built some years after Sri Lanka gained its independence, this monument was designed in the style of a traditional Kandyan audience hall in ancient Sri Lanka architectural style. The monument is even magnificent when the sun goes down and reflects its light on prominent reddish tiled roof, projecting a warm light on the concrete and the massive pillars. I also love the light at dust when the whole scenery becomes bathed in shadow.

I really enjoy walking in IS - watching the buzz a range of people get from exercising there – from a really fitness enthusiast jogging and listening to his iPod, some walking and having a serious teleconference call, a ladies’ group gossiping, kids riding their bikes, families playing badminton and lovers sheltered under a shade of a tree. It really gives you an opportunity to socialise actively with friends and family. It can also be a great motivation having a company walking with you.

What a great exercise walking is! It does not cost an arm and a leg plus has many great qualities such as:

Strengthens your heart to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes

It lowers your risk of high blood pressure

Help to protect against certain types of cancers such as colon or breast cancer

Helps keep your bones, muscles, and joints healthy

People walking 1.5 hours per day have a significantly better cognitive function than the other ones

Reduces anxiety and depression, boosting your mood

Walking just three times a week for 30 minutes can significantly increase cardio-respiratory fitness

Helps you feel more energeticHelps you sleep better

We can always find any excuses to avoid doing sport however when you know that a little exercise can bring so many health benefits to your life it worth getting started! Walking is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to exercise. So why not ‘take a hike’ on IS!