Lanka Alzheimer’s Foundation celebrates World Alzheimer’s Day with concert

Saturday, 17 September 2011 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

For the fifth consecutive year the Lanka Alzheimer’s Foundation celebrates World Alzheimer’s Day with an evening of music at St. Andrew’s Scots Kirk on Wednesday 21 September at 7 p.m.  

This year’s programme includes voluntary performances by the Cantando Cello Quartet, Voice Print, Melanie Bibile and Norma de Silva.

Melanie Bibile will perform ‘She Misses Him,’ a song written by Tim Rushlow.  This powerful song plays over the images of a couple struggling with Alzheimer’s showing photographs of their happier days. ‘She Misses Him’ continues to touch hearts, and help loved ones cope with the unpredictable symptoms, onset and progression of Alzheimer’s and related dementias.

Norma, a music teacher for 23 years at a number of International Schools had to leave her job due to recent memory loss.  Norma will end the evening’s programme with a rendition on the piano of ‘How Great Thou Art’.

Entrance is by programme – Rs. 500.