Lankan challenges American atheists

Saturday, 17 March 2012 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lankan freelance journalist and political lobbyist Srinath Fernando has written a book titled ‘Political Theology for Atheists in America.’

The book seems to have been written in view of the ever increasing phenomenon of atheism and agnosticism in America and the author attempts to bring to light that “a proper American” cannot possibly be an atheist.

Fernando says that the founding fathers of America never dreamt a nation with atheists but a law abiding and God fearing population. He argues that Americans stood for freedom and liberty and that was a manifestation of American values when American troops landed on the Normandy beach to dislodge Nazis from Europe.

Fernando also supposes that if a future American government were elected with atheists then the American constitution would be rendered meaningless. Fernando draws an analogy from 1950’s war against communist sympathisers in America and says atheists are ‘a threat to US national security’.

He attributes Oklahoma incident and the series of explosions in Norway as being a work of people who live a life without God.

The central theme of the book is to combine catholic theology and the American political order in an attempt to persuade those who have chosen a life without God not only in America, but in Europe, Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. The book is available at Sarasavi.