Lights off and Earth on at Cinnamon Grand

Wednesday, 4 April 2012 00:45 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Cinnamon Grand Colombo joined in the worldwide campaign for Earth Hour on 31 March from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in a grand initiative that had the support of international cricketers, in-house guests, restaurant patrons, staff and children.

The hotel’s campaign to raise awareness and demonstrate its commitment to protect the environment and mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change by switching off lights was kicked off by internationally renownedcricket presenter Tony Greg and English Cricketer Samit Patel. Colombo Municipal Council Mayor elect A.J.M. Muzammil also joined in the activities.

The Grand’s main Lobby and Nuga Gama, the rural village, were the key gathering points for those who wanted to do their part for the planet. The hotel further enhanced the Earth Hour experience by hosting a series of activities for guests to participate in the event.

This is the second consecutive year that the Cinnamon Grand is participating in Earth Hour, a global Worldwide Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) climate change awareness initiative,   which engages people from all corners of the globe to take positive actions for the environment and celebrate their commitment with the people of the world by switching off their lights for one designated hour.

“Lights were turned off in the hotel’s front and back lawns, most of the back-of-the-house areas, main lobby, restaurants and the Angsana Spa and Gym. Despite running over a 70 per cent occupancy levels, in-house guests were encouraged to participate in the activities by turning off the lights in their guestrooms in the hotel’s Earth Hour initiative,” Manager Marketing Communications and Sustainability Tharika Goonathilake said. In addition, all staff elevators and one central AC unit were also switched off during the period.

Restaurant patrons too were given the option of putting pen to paper in an Earth Hour creative slogan competition at the hotel’s signature restaurants.  The top 10 creative slogan winners were rewarded with beautiful Earth Hour memorabilia courtesy Cinnamon Grand.

According the Cinnamon Grand’s Chef Engineer Panduka Wijewardene, the hotel saved 1780 kilowatts by shutting off lights and non-critical equipment during Earth Hour, the capacity of savings, is equivalent to providing energy for 40 households per month.

Another enticing feature in this year’s celebrations was the performances put together by the hotel’s very own Green Team members at Nuga Gama bringing to fore, Sri Lanka’s traditional wisdom of living in harmony with nature.

Green Team members Gamini, Amaranath, Abey and Rushani performed a series of poignant earth songs and narratives on the plight of the planet and effects of climate change. This was further enhanced by the captivating dance performances by the Shilpa Ranga Dance Troupe, which had both local and foreign guests enthralled.

Cinnamon Grand also hosted 40 children for the Earth Watch environmental programme earlier in the day, for an interactive educational session on Earth Hour, to enlighten and sensiticice childrenon the impact of their actions on the environment. On a more positive note several insights were given as to how they could make a differencing, by being role models- in their schools, homes and communities by helping to mitigate climate change efforts.

“As an environmentally conscious and socially responsible corporate entity, we are committed to raising awareness for climate change with our associates, guests and the younger generation,” Goonathilake said, adding that the hotel pursuing initiatives that mitigate the effects of climate change was not just limited to Earth Hour.

The hotel has aligned itself with specific environmental protection measures and goals in keeping with the John Keells Group’s Sustainability vision of reducing the group’s carbon footprint.

Cinnamon Grand has a focused Green Program and a Green Team comprising representatives from different departments to identify ways to reduce electricity, water and wastage, whilst helping to curb practices that damage the environment. Special emphasis is further given to promote environmental awareness among staff, guests, students and community, through the monthly Green Forum.