McDonald presents ‘A different touch sensation with every sip’

Friday, 8 November 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Now in its third year and back again by popular demand, McDonald’s Sri Lanka has announced the launch of their Free Coca-Cola Glass promotion. The promotion which launched on 31 October 2013 will run for a limited time only. It will be offered in all McDonald’s restaurants around the world. With six very different and intriguing designs and themes, these Coca-Cola glasses will quickly become sought after collectors’ items through McDonald’s promotion ‘A different touch sensation with every sip’. To get a free Coca-Cola glass, all the customer needs to do is buy one large Extra Value Meal. McDonalds has a range of Extra Value Meals such as the Big Mac, Chicken McSpicy, Filet ‘O’ fish and Double Beef Burger to name a few, all of which are prepared accordingly to international standard.