Navajeevana launches children’s books to promote disability awareness

Saturday, 1 February 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Joining forces with acclaimed children’s author and illustrator, Kala Keerthi Sybil Wettasinghe, Navajeevana has turned their focus to the children of Sri Lanka, in the organisation’smission to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities as equal participating members of a non-discriminating society. Three books will be published in all three languages – Sinhala, Tamil and English, and are brought to life by the world-renown illustrations of Wettasinghe.  The book launch held on 30 January at The Kingsbury was with the aim to raise awareness and obtain sponsorship for the placement of these books in libraries throughout the country. Founder and Chairperson of Navajeevana Kumarini Wickramasuriya said: “We work tirelessly towards the absolute inclusion of people with disabilities in to our society.  Our organisation currently runs programs for rehabilitation, special education, economic independence and awareness, but the most significant part of our goal is to create a community that will accept them wholeheartedly and treat them as equals with the ability and desire to contribute to society.  We believe that children are vital to achieving this goal because they are open-minded and more accepting of differences.  Children with special needs must be given a chance in life and we need the children of our country to look upon their counterparts as just as able and deserving as they are.  To this end, these stories have been written with differently-able heroes and targeted at a pre-school and primary level audience.” The books, ‘The Flowered Umbrella’ and ‘The Lost Pot of Curd’ written by Hilda Amaraweera and ‘My heart Sings’ by Kala Keerthi Sybil Wettasinghe, are intended to be placed in school libraries, children’s wards, church and temple libraries, medical and dental clinics, and in the homes of well-meaning citizens. Wettasinghe, whose celebrated drawings brings to life the characters in all three books, said: “I am delighted to be able to contribute to this worthy cause. Childhood is such a precious and innocent part of your life; it is easy to forget that it is not so easy for some.  I am confident that these books will create awareness while bringing joy and hope to everyone who reads them.” A set of nine books in three languages is priced at Rs. 900 and all funds will be directed towards printing costs and re-printing when required.  Interested parties are encouraged to support the placement of the books in targeted libraries and other institutions, while contributions are welcome with donors being updated on subsequent destinations of the sponsored books.  For more information, contact Rashmi Purasinghe on 047 2240579/0472242718 or email [email protected].