Owls in the office!

Saturday, 15 March 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

I got to know of three small owls being seen in one of our offices every day on a tree. I immediately made arrangements to go there, but it never materialised as I was busy with different other excursions as well as a hectic work schedule. After a few weeks I got news that they were not seen again. Having taken my mind off these owls for a while, I went for a meeting one morning to this office. When I concluded the meeting I was told that the owls still remain, and that they have moved their perch to a different tree. Walking along the large yard, we came to a mango tree in the corner. And there they were, three cute little birds huddled together, fast asleep. I couldn’t identify them and hence went back determined to come back with my lens the next day. Armed with the Canon 200-400mm I went there during my lunch break. They were in the same spot where I saw them the day before. When I looked up at them one of the birds which looked like the mother opened its eyes and looked down at me with mild curiosity. The ear tufts were pointed up and after I started clicking away the bird gave its full attention to me. One of the younger birds also got up and looked at me. It started swaying its head from side to side and then did the most amazing thing; it twisted its head from side to side as if in curiosity at this strange being pointing a large white object at them. The sun was harsh and hence was not optimum for photography but I managed to get some decent shots. The best would be early morning as the light would be clean, and I hope to go there soon. I advised my colleagues at office not to disturb it and I was glad to know that our office was considered a safe haven by these birds for them to spend their daytime roost in. Back at home I mailed the photos to several experts and the funny thing is I got two different names for this owl. Some said this was the Collared Scops Owl and some said Indian Scops Owl. With more digging into the physical features it was confirmed that they are Indian Scops Owl (Otus bakkamoena). This is a resident species of owl found in South Asia. Formally thought to be the same species as the Collared Scops Owl, was later split into a separate species. It nests in a hole in a tree, laying three to five eggs. A small owl with an average size of 23cm having small head tufts or ears. The upper parts are grey or brown, depending on the morph, with faint buff spotting. The under parts are buff with fine darker streaking. This species is nocturnal. Through its natural camouflage, it is very difficult to see in daytime. But it can often be located by the small birds that mob it while it is roosting in a tree. It feeds mainly on insects. The call is a soft single note (“whuk?”). This species is very similar to the slightly larger partially migratory Collared Scops Owl Otus lettia and the Oriental Scops Owl Otus sunia. They can be separated on call and eye colour. I was amazed and blessed to get so close to these cute owls in broad daylight in the middle of the city. This shows that wildlife is not limited to a forest or national park but rather that it is all around us, and they seek our homes, offices and urban areas as refuge as well. Therefore it is up to us as citizens to take a more proactive role in providing possible habitats even in our own properties which would be a safe haven for urban wildlife. (Read more from Rajiv at www.wildlifediaries.blogspot.com. You can view his photography portfolio at www.flickr.com/photos/rajivw and contact him via email on [email protected].)