Pakistan Film Festival 2011 kicks off in Colombo

Saturday, 5 November 2011 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The inaugural show of the two day Pakistan Film Festival 2011 was held yesterday at the National Film Corporation auditorium. The main feature of this film festival was the screening of ‘Khuda Khay Liye’ (In the name of God), a Pakistani Urdu film with English subtitles, written, directed and produced by Shoaib Mansoor.

Member of Parliament Namal Rajapaksa attended the event as the Chief Guest. The event was also attended by the High Commissioner of Pakistan Seema Ilahi Baloch, several notable personalities from all walks of life including Members of Parliament, Government ministers, media persons, Sri Lankan celebrities from TV and films, diplomats, business community and so on.

The High Commissioner of Pakistan Seema Ilahi Balock said in her opening remarks: “We worship in the name of God, we seek mercy in the name of God, we ask for our daily bread in the name of God, we give and we forgive in the name of God, but should we also kill in the name of God. That is the question this film will attempt to answer, this evening.”

“I hope this film will help the audience to get a perspective of an average moderate Pakistani family on the global war on terror. A war which is being fought on the territory of Afghanistan but with grave consequences for Pakistan,” she added.  “This movie is about two young men suffering the impact of the war on terrorism. Pakistan as some of you may know has been thrust into the front-line of the war on terror since 1979. When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan’s territory was used to wage a holy war or a jihad against the Soviets; when the meaning of jihad was interpreted only as war against those who are not Muslims.”

In the conclusion she urged the audience to open their hearts and minds to look beyond even the film which they will see tonight. Because the victims of this war are real, their suffering is real; their loss of dignity is real. Only then, will we understand that the many faiths, the many civilizations, the many nations of this world must unite in the name of God, and not kill in the name of God, the High Commissioner stated.

The links between Pakistan and Sri Lanka date back to the dawn of Buddhism. The archaeological sites in Taxila, adjacent to Pakistan’s capital city Islamabad, are a living testimony to this fact. Ghandara trail was a part of the silk route and many Buddhist pilgrims from different countries used to visit these sites on this historical route.

The relationship between Pakistan and Sri Lanka is based on mutual trust and commonality of interest in maintaining regional peace, security and stability. Pakistan has always supported the unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Sri Lanka.  Both countries have shared common perceptions on almost all regional and international issue and are working together on all these forums for shared values and interests

A Cultural Agreement between Pakistan and Sri Lanka was signed in December 1973 which provides the basis for meaningful cooperation in the fields of folklore, music, dance, painting, exhibition, calligraphy etc. The latest Cultural Exchange programme was signed between the government of Pakistan and the Government of Sri Lanka in March 2006 during the visit of President Rajapaksa to Pakistan covering the period from 2007-2011. This programme provides for promotion of cultural, scientific, media and educational relations between the two countries.

Besides other areas of cooperation, the Cultural Cooperation Exchange programme provides for joint production of documentary films on topics of national and historical interests, and organization of film exhibitions.