Perera & Sons awards winner of 1Q ‘Creative Cooks Calendar’ competition

Wednesday, 15 May 2013 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

At the beginning of 2013 P&S introduced its latest competition which encouraged Sri Lankans who have the knack for cooking to use the ingredients photographed on the P&S 2013 calendar and prepare a unique dish.

The competition was introduced in the view of promoting and enhancing the culinary skills of all Sri Lankans. The judging criteria was based on the uniqueness of the dish, taste, appearance, originality, personal appearance and hygiene, where the judges saw tough competition with many talented cooks that brought new dishes to the table.

“Amidst an unexpected response from over 100 applicants, we short listed one per month for the final round. Lahiru Jayarathne was adjudicated 1st place for his outstanding recipe which also was found as one of the most innovative dishes in the competition. Lahiru’s dish, named as ‘Noodle Pudding’ included the basic criteria of a base, filling and a garnish that brought forward an appetising look that made him the winner. The competition will be carried out for the next three quarters and we urge all talented cooks with a flair for creativity to participate. Quarterly winners are awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 and a P&S voucher for the value of Rs. 5,000. The winner of the grand finale will be awarded two air tickets to Thailand for a two-night stay on full board basis,” commented Ruvini Kariyawasan, Business Development Manager of Perera & Sons.  

As Sri Lanka’s foremost baker and caterer with over a century of tradition behind it, P&S takes pride in producing every great tasting item of food on its list with care, and with a strong commitment to quality ensuring there are no added preservatives to any of the food items prepared.

Priding itself on pioneering and leading in the art of baking, P&S has transformed from the days when products were sold door-to-door and has surged forward in its rate of automation, innovation and branch operations in order to simultaneously synchronise over time with whatever products and services that they are currently experienced in.

Today, the company has moved beyond being just a family baker to being a leader in the food and beverage industry with a diverse range of products from custom cake making to outdoor catering. Testimonies to the fact are the many accolades the company has received over the years.

The staff too has evolved with the times – their prowess being displayed when they excel at national award ceremonies competing with leading national and international institutions.

P&S is an amazing case study on an age old brand that has moved with the times. Moving into the digital sphere, they have fast managed to own the digital space in the Bakery sector in Sri Lanka. With approximately 117,600 fans, P&S has managed to be one of the most interactive Facebook pages in the country with over 50% of users interacting with the page daily. Other than the P&S profile on Facebook, the brand is highly active on Twitter.