‘Reyna’s Prophecy’ launched

Saturday, 1 March 2014 07:13 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The launch of Radhika Philip’s first novel ‘Reyna’s Prophecy’ was held at the Barefoot Gallery last morning, featuring Philip, Rukshan Jayewardene, Ajitha GS and Nazreen Sansoni, moderated by Ramya Jirasinghe “HarperCollins has been incredibly supportive, from the moment we began communicating.  The editing process was thoroughly enjoyable; we all put the story first. Sri Lanka’s exceptional biodiversity and history underpin the fantasy fiction; ‘Reyna’s Prophecy’ represents the island I am proud to call home,” said Philip. Ajitha has 17 years of editorial experience in various media, both in publishing and journalism. She is currently Commissioning Editor, HarperCollins India, a wholly owned subsidiary of HarperCollins New York. “I read Radhika Philip’s delightful fable in one go. That was an early draft and lengthier even than this tome. Radhika has since chipped away at it, working to tell a crisp, ringing tale. What captivated me instantly was this vague feeling that all of this was true. A talking crow, an elephant king, a baby genius? Not credible, no, but it felt true. As Radhika and I exchanged emails, spoke on the phone, professionally at first, then as friends, I came to see why. But that’s not for me to say here. You must read and judge for yourself. I hope you will enjoy it every bit as much as I did,” said Ajitha. Sansoni is responsible for the flow of books and art through Sri Lanka’s cultural hotspot – the Barefoot Gallery and Bookshop. She is also a central figure in the de facto salon that gathers there. In addition to her duties as a Director, Curator, and Organiser she is an avid reader, traveller, photographer and mother of five. “At Barefoot Bookshop, we have long supported Sri Lankan authors and our carefully collated collection represents that. It’s been a while since I have read a novel that features such delightful characters, as the ones that come alive in ‘Reyna’s Prophecy’. It is story telling at its finest, a page-turner, and I for one can’t wait for the second book in what promises to be a magical trilogy. We’re delighted HarperCollins is in Sri Lanka for the launch,” said Sansoni. Jirasinghe is the author of Rhythm of the Sea, and Trinity. Her collection of poems, ‘There’s an Island in the Bone,’ was published in 2011 and won the State Literary Joint Award for poetry. She was long-listed for the Fish Poetry Prize, Ireland, in 2011 and was a joint runner-up to the UK’s Guardian Orange First Words Prize of 2009. The Times-online of UK featured her in its 2009 selection of contemporary war poetry. She holds a MA in Comparative Literature from SOAS, University of London. “A fantastic read. Here is a book that has all the potential to go places. I am honoured to be involved in its launch,” said Jirasinghe. Jayewardene is the Chairman of the Wilderness & Protected Areas Foundation and a Trustee of The Leopard Trust. He is a Vice President of the Wildlife & Nature Protection Society and Joint-President of the Wildlife Conservation Forum. He is a Director of EFL. Rukshan holds a degree in Anthropology and an M. Phil in South Asian Archaeology from University of Cambridge, UK. Jayewardene said: “‘Reyna’s Prophecy’ by Radhika Philip is a remarkable first novel. It is certainly remarkable that Radhika has confidently begun a tale (the first in a trilogy!) of both great complexity and subtlety that hooks the reader and holds their attention for approximately 365 pages. “What is more remarkable however is that the book introduces and then makes its central theme, a subject once thought to be the pursuit of zany eccentrics and other assorted loonies: communicating with animals. One has to be brave or prescient or both, to write a novel such as this, because unlike in the popular genre of magical fantasy fiction, much of what Radhika writes about is becoming the real life experience of several people who work closely with animals. “The book raises questions which are not easily answered, not explainable scientifically but are nonetheless valid and undergoing a certain degree of objective analysis the world over, revealing both the limitations of science as well as our paucity of knowledge of the true nature of the animals that we share this world with. “Today few would doubt that many birds and mammals in particular are intelligent, are able to make decisions, and have individual personalities and emotions. Although science for more than a century frowned upon such blatant ‘anthropomorphism’, scientists themselves have long been blinded by their superior, homocentric viewpoint as well as their own religious beliefs. “Through Reyna, the heroine of the story, we learn that animals are intelligent, thoughtful beings that should be treated as equals; all coming naturally to her but making her a misfit in her family and in the wider world in the process. “‘Reyna’s Prophecy’ raises important questions as it takes you on a rollercoaster ride through the animal kingdom in all its glorious diversity, and the reader learns to see animals as ‘people’ too. The story’s modern Sri Lankan setting, and actual places and events make this unusual book all too real. Reyna’s Prophecy is a book destined to travel far.” Philip was born in Sri Lanka and has a law degree from the University of London. Radhika is editor of Life Times Sri Lanka, a monthly magazine celebrating real life, and creative director of LT PRO, a media production company. This is her first novel. “HarperCollins has always maintained a presence in Sri Lanka and distribute through many of the leading book stores. This is the first time we’ve launched a book from Sri Lanka, but the time is right and ‘Reyna’s Prophecy’ is the right book, a very positive message from Sri Lanka, delivered via a fantasy fiction tale no less,” stated HarperCollins Publishers India Chief Editor and Publisher Karthika V.K. Meanwhile, Kuruvilla Abraham, literary agent and Managing Director of TNQ Sponsorship India, commenting on the book, said:  “I read three chapters of the book and signed on Radhika Philip soon after. It’s a wonderful example of Sri Lankan writing and we look forward to further exploring the talent in this country.”