Scrabble Bash today

Saturday, 22 February 2014 11:10 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Lanka Alzheimer’s Foundation is proud to announce their annual Scrabble Bash Tournament which takes place today, 22 February, at their auditorium located at 110, Ketawalamulla Lane, Colombo 10. Open to any Scrabble Player, the Foundation is pleased to invite participants to register at their earliest with the Foundation by calling the office on 2667082 or 2667084. Sponsors or donors are welcome to sponsor an elder or a foursome at Rs. 2,500 per participant or Rs. 10,000 for four persons. Do call the Foundation and pledge your donation. Each participant is entitled to morning and afternoon refreshments and lunch. Facilitator Shailah Amalean, Sri Lanka’s national player, is back once again to coordinate the tournaments throughout the day. With the ever-increasing participation with each year, a fun day is on the cards for all. 9 a.m. is registration time and will conclude at 4 p.m.