Soul Sounds celebration!

Saturday, 7 December 2013 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Marianne David The moment the members of Soul Sounds start singing, their captivating voices unfailingly remind listeners, oh-so-beautifully, what a marvellous and expressive thing the human voice can be. The choir has enthralled global audiences with its stunning performances and is stepping into its 10th year of song in 2014. Directed by Soundarie David Rodrigo, with Jerome L. De Silva as its Artistic Director, Soul Sounds’ 10th year celebrations will kick off on 22 December with its Christmas concert. To mark the anniversary, Soul Sounds released its new CD ‘At Christmas, Wrapped with Love’ and unveiled its new logo on Monday at The Kingsbury, while also felicitating those who have supported the choir over the years.   The beginning Addressing the gathering, Soundarie said that the journey thus far has been a long, winding road, filled with happy memories, challenges and people who have been there to help along the way. “10 years ago in 2004, a bunch of girls just out of school and some of them in school and I entered a prestigious choir competition in Wales – the Llangollen International Musical Eistedfodd – and were placed as First Runners-Up. This was the first time Sri Lanka was represented internationally for a choir competition. Since then, there has been no turning back,” she recalled. “The girls wanted to continue singing and I had no idea what I was in for. Thus saw the birth of Soul Sounds. The rest is history. We’ve competed, won, travelled, performed, had long rehearsals, had to deal with work, growing up, parents, boyfriends, husbands, and now children. But through it all, with the grace of God, we have managed to sustain the group over the last 10 years.” Some of the highlights of the journey she mentioned were the single release for tsunami victims ‘Grief Never Grows Old,’ the win in Austria for gospel pop and folklore, the tours of France and the USA, the concert at the Forbidden City Hall in China, concerts in Malaysia and concerts in Australia. “Concerts we think back and talk about often are the gospel concerts and the tribute to Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. We have also released two other CDs along with the 10 years CD,” said Soundarie.   Special guests Drawing attention to the special guests at the event, Soundarie said they have been with the choir over the last 10 years: Lilamani Dias Benson and Terry Benson who were with the choir in Wales during its performance 10 years ago; Mignonne Fernando, “the one and only” who gave them permission to sing her popular song ‘Mangala Mohotha,’ which contributed towards their win in 2004; Yasmin Cader, who initiated the concert ‘Moods of Christmas,’ also in 2004; Sunethra Bandaranaike and Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, who helped with acquiring sponsorships and contacts during the early years; Mano Chanmugam and Neomal de Alwis, “who have probably attended all concerts of Soul Sounds and supported us in many ways – I cannot imagine a concert without uncle Mano cheering us from the audience”; Financial Manager Sanjay, “who was probably forced into it, but has helped the choir in many ways”; and Tyrone Hannan from the Deutsche Bank, “who was there for the choir during its win in Austria in 2008”. “The choir has been blessed with their support and encouragement. A very special thank you to the parents gathered here, without whose support the choir would not have been in existence,” Soundarie added.     A big thank you According to Soundarie, the choir was so passionate about their singing that rehearsals would go on until late in the night; family holidays and time were put on hold; yet the parents, boyfriends and now husbands gave them all the support they needed. “My parents, brother and husband have not only been there for me during these 10 years, but have welcomed all the girls to our home without ever complaining, so much so that sometimes their own schedules revolve around Soul Sounds’ rehearsal schedules. “I would also like to mention the musicians who have constantly been with us, Niranjan de Silva and Christopher Prins, and also our Artistic Director Jerome de Silva. They are probably the only three men who have been able to put up with 30 girls or more during all our tours. Also thanks to Akhry Ameer, our Stage Manager who has seen the girls through many a concert.” Mignonne Fernando, Mano Chanmugam, Lilamani Dias Benson, Tyrone Hannan and Yohan Tillekeratne also addressed the gathering, while the choir’s Lilanka Boteju outlined Soul Sounds’ future plans. Soul Sounds partners for 2014 are DIMO and Mercedes Benz, Deutsche Bank, Lowe LDB (Creative Partner) and Romesh Attapattu from Capello Salons (Official Hair and Beauty Partner). Over the last 10 years, Soul Sounds has toured across four continents and won three Golds and two Silvers at consecutive World Choir Games (2006 and ’08) Pix by Daminda Harsha Perera