The Virtuoso Trumpet on 9 December at the Lionel Wendt

Saturday, 30 November 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

On rare occasions, Sri Lankan audiences get to listen to a concert that delivers excitement, humour, intellectual stimulation and most of all, sheer enjoyment. The German Embassy will celebrate its 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Sri Lanka, with the Orchestra of the Chamber Music Society of Colombo conducted by Leo Phillips, featuring the young award-winning German trumpeter Sebastian Leibing. Invitations are free of charge, and can be obtained from the German Embassy by contacting Dharini Daluwatte, at Tel: (011) 2580431. This concert will take place on Monday 9 December 2013, the exact date of the 60th anniversary. Leibing will perform the two most famous concertos written for the trumpet, the Hummel and Haydn. These were written for the same young Viennese virtuoso Anton Weidinger, to whom many attribute the invention of the keyed trumpet (as opposed to the Natural, or the Valved Trumpet). The other two works are by Mozart, and Haydn. The former is represented by the overture to his last Italian opera, La Clemenza di Tito, and the latter by his quirky, tuneful middle period symphony, nicknamed the ‘Farewell’. The ‘Farewell’ symphony will be performed as is traditional, with the ‘diminishing returns’ clearly apparent in the finale, as called for by the music.