Uniting for a cause

Saturday, 19 May 2012 00:48 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Interact Club of St. Bridget’s Convent hosted Cancer Walk 2012 last Saturday, its main community service project for the year 2011/2012.

With a theme that read ‘Its all about the fight!’ the event was organised by a 15-member committee consisting of interactors of ages 16 and 17 chaired by 18-year-old Advanced Level student Tehara Dalpethado. The aim of the project was to raise money for Government cancer hospital in Maharagama and its patients.

The project started with two awareness campaigns in Kandy and Colombo respectively in April where doctors, health workers and others who have experience on the topic made speeches on early detection and prevention.

The walk and fair was held on 12 May at CH&FC grounds. Many special invitees such as Sri Lanka Cancer Society President Hon. Justice Shiranee Tilakawardane, Colombo Mayor A.J.M. Muzzamil and the the British High Commissioner for Sri Lanka and the Maldives, John Rankin participated in the event along with members of the Cancer Society, Past Pupils Association of St. Bridget’s Convent, present students, representatives of student bodies, Rotarians, Interactors of other Clubs and well wishers.

More than 500 people gathered at the grounds in support of the cause. The fair held many trade, food and student-run game stalls. A special corner for children was also allocated where merry-go-rounds, bouncers and pony rides were organised.

Adding on an entertainment aspect to the event, bands such as The Sherifs, Battery, Black, Willy Jeep etc. played in the evening.

– Pix courtesy of Revolution Portfolio