Weight gain: 2kg per Christmas!

Saturday, 7 December 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Next time you reach for another chocolate or mince pie, you might want to bear this in mind. Many people take up to four months to lose the weight they put on over the festive season, a new study has revealed. The average person will put on 4lbs (2 kg) between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day after consuming twice their recommended calorie intake. And the bad news is that it can take until Easter to repair the damage. More than a third of those surveyed (34%) said it would it would take four months to get back into the same shape they were in before Christmas.The vast majority of people (94%) take a break from their normal eating habits as they relax with friends and family. Half of those surveyed (52%) admitted to eating twice their recommended calorie intake over the holiday – largely because of the increased alcohol intake. Christmas Day was by far the most fattening day of the festivities.