Reeks of hypocrisy and ignorance

Thursday, 12 September 2024 03:43 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Two common slogans of the so-called radicals are labelling all 225 Members of Parliament (MP)s as undesirables while also speaking of the country’s 76-year-old curse that they are seeking to end. These are populist slogans that catch the fancy of some, mostly those who lack critical thinking, and are willing to swallow hook, line and sinker, as such slogans suit their fancy.

But how credible are these slogans? The so-called 76-year-old curse is what some aligned to the NPP/JVP and some left leaning groups talk about, forgetting they themselves are beneficiaries of many of the advancements this country has made since its independence in 1948. These include access to free education, free health, Government service, and State sector jobs, to name a few. During years of war in the north of the country, even when the LTTE controlled several areas in the province, Government services continued uninterrupted, thanks to the dedication of the public officials of this area and the infrastructure which made it possible to maintain such services. 

People have benefited from advancements in the power and energy sector with almost all houses in Sri Lanka now having access to electricity while pipe borne water supplies too are widely available, and the irrigation sector and many other sectors too have made impressive progress.

The country has also continued to uphold democracy by holding elections at regular intervals and ensuring the peaceful transfer of power with no military coups except for an abortive one in 1962. Successive Governments have managed to put down two attempts by the JVP to take over State power using the bullet instead of the ballot while a separatist movement in the north of the country too has been militarily defeated.

The country has also been the envy of many countries in the world especially in South Asia for its success in eradicating communicable diseases, vaccination programs, keeping child and maternal mortality rates at these same levels as in developed countries.

Hence those who talk of the 76-year curse cannot be doing so only due to ignorance but also due to a pathological condition that refuses to allow them to accept that this country has had leaders who have contributed to its development since independence.

And this brings us to the question of the other often parroted slogan of all 225 being rouges or thieves. Those who parrot such slogans conveniently forget that some of those who they support too are among this 225 and enjoy all the perks that come with being an MP including getting duty-free vehicle permits and a salary that is paid with public funds. Many are also recipients of pensions.

So, are all MPs villains and evil as the so-called radicals calling for change claim? A majority of MPs (except for the 29 nominated from the National List) are elected by the people of this country. It is their right to choose the representatives of their choice and the Parliament is representative of the general makeup of the country’s population. Those who hold utopian ideas that all MPs should fit into their mould of an ideal person are living in a fool’s paradise, unaware of the ground realities in this country. Being keyboard warriors and making tall claims on social media, degrading and insulating every politician who holds a different opinion or belongs to a different party, is an insult to the voters of this country.

Certainly, Sri Lanka can do better than it is doing today and addressing issues of corruption, waste, mismanagement, etc., are important for the progress of this country. It is an exercise that the public of this country must make a commitment to without which things will not change. But demeaning politicians and making them public enemy number one does not help. It is dangerous and discourages anyone from entering politics and stifles their right to engage freely in the democratic set up. It’s a red flag all the way.