Healers Beyond Boundaries in Sri Lanka till 18 January

Saturday, 13 January 2024 01:08 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lanka based Austrian citizen Paul Muller who introduced Light of Asia Founder Naveen Gunaratne, to 

the Healers Beyond Boundaries, thus facilitating the healing camp in Sri Lanka

 The healers at their group evaluation and testimony sharing

  • Healing with gratitude 
  • Universal energy/consciousness based healing free of charge 
  • Healing to change the world and bring back the human connection with the self and the cosmos 
  • The Healers Beyond Boundaries founded by Annette Muller of Germany travels to countries across the world spending their own money
  • The healers have their own respective jobs and professions, they do not make their mission of energy healing a money making endeavour 
  • In each of the countries they travel to, to hold their healing camps, they use their private funds for their air tickets and accommodation 

By Surya Vishwa 

What does it mean to ‘heal’? Not with injections, synthetic medicine or any devices but with the most powerful machinery in the planet that is bestowed on humans; the mind. 

Like any other machine (created by this human machine, the mind) it can be used either way, to destroy (through negative thoughts), or to heal (by connecting to the great ocean of the oneness of existence assisted by will power and discerning thinking). Just as in the case of a knife. A knife is a very necessary tool to provide sustenance as it can cut food and other items for the positive use of mankind or be used for the destroying of mankind. This means that thought patterns can influence every cell in the body and if there are few cells that get damaged in the process of life and are diagnosed as whatever the disease, increasing thoughts of sickness could only perpetuate an ‘ailing consciousness.’ 

This emphasising of illness as absorbed by the mind would then remove us from the great and vastly unexplored power in the universe that impacts all of us and can be moulded to our benefit. This means that all of us can connect to the central energy of the universe as ancient sages did. 

The profound aspect is that with a brilliantly attuned consciousness, being healed can totally be a continuous flow, changing DNA patterns and killing unhealthy cells. Some western scientists are bold enough to openly declare this.

Thus ‘healing’ or ‘sickness’ falls into the generally ignored or under estimated space between the mind and the universal force. Within the Sri Lankan Buddhist culture the central teachings revolve totally on the power of the mind and how it can change matter as taught by the great enlightened one, the Buddha. The core teaching is that love, compassion, understanding imparts a force that can quell any aberration of the mind or body. 

This is probably a lesson well learnt by the 30 plus energy healers from mainly Germany who are here in Sri Lanka since 8 January carrying out their free service (where they have brought their own tickets and spend for their accommodation independently) graciously accepting only the free hosting and connected amenities facilitated by Naveen Gunaratne at his Light of Asia premises in Sama Mawatha, Pelawatte, Battaramulla. 

Last week this page featured the introductory feature on the mission of the Healers Beyond Boundaries founded by Annette Muller once declared as destined to the wheelchair (and proclaimed would be unable to use her mind) after a car crash twenty years ago which impacted her nerves and the link with her skull and spine. She miraculously healed herself (with the help of diverse energy practitioners – using multifarious routes across cultures), including India, and learning how to harness the foundational force of the universe. 

How is this force harnessed? By the unsullied route of an elevated consciousness; that golden product of the mind. Apparently there are many routes to get to that mountain top of universal connection healing any aberration, whether it is of a physical or mental scale. In many instances sadness and sabotaging of the self through the mind or sabotaging others in direct or indirect ways could be the root of illness, given that humanity is an interconnected fabric and one energy is connected to the other, covered as it is in the human attire of flesh and bones. 

There are currently nearly 500 energy healers in Europe, trained by Ecole San Esprit, the school of holistic universal nature energy healing, functioning under the direction and guidance of Annette Muller, the founder of this institution which is based in Germany with branches in global locations such as Spain and US. The energy healing system taught by the school is aptly titled Amazing Grace and is not to be confused with evangelical based healings as it has nothing to do with any one ‘religion.’ 

The San Esprit school has trained hundreds of persons belonging to diverse professions to become aware of their innate power to be energy healers and notably they include professors of western medicine, surgeons, dentists and nurses who find that they could use the route of Western Science more deftly when they understand how to guide the internal human ecosystem towards consciousness based healing.

The healing sessions in Sri Lanka 

The free energy healing sessions in Sri Lanka commenced at the Light of Asia, Pelawatte, Battaramulla location and completed its 5th day on Friday and continues today (13) from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2p.m. to 5 p.m. respectively.  The team of healers of the Healers Beyond Boundaries will travel to Dambana from 14 to 16 January to conduct healing on the Adi Vasis of Sri Lanka who are suffering from various ailments due to the lifestyle changes modern man has inflicted on them. The energy practitioners will be back at the Light of Asia at Sama Mawatha in Pelawatte, Battararamulla on 17 and 18 January, and carry out their last two full day healing sessions.

So far the healers have attended to about 300 patients. The ailments are wide ranging, including minor discomforts related to limbs or after effects of cancer treatments or migraine/womb issues etc. 

This writer sat in on the healings for two days while also obtaining an energy treatment for a minor irritant and erratic back ache and thereby witnessed first-hand the power of hands on healing carried out by the healers who could be mistaken to be a band of angels straight from the glory of the sky! Their faces were brilliant in their gentle smile and they seemed so thankful for the change to heal and every single patient I spoke to seemed to be mesmerised by their simple, compassionate and kind persons and their genuinely heartfelt gentle smiles. The fact that most of the healers were not fluent in English did not matter one bit. Professional translations were provided for the obtaining of the symptoms and the rest it was a matter of the heart which has no linguistic barriers.  The organising was exemplary. 

One of the large halls of the Light of Asia was cleared and the beds arranged in a manner where there was ample privacy with attention to hygiene. From the comments this writer gathered from patients, there was not a single negative comment. Even if one went there with the sole intention of finding fault it would have been impossible to do so!

The energy transferring process from the universe to the healers and then the patient was almost palpable. In my case the experience was as if there were a thousand electric wires being fixed onto my spine!

In some instances patients were brought in wheel chairs. In one case a person in his eighties who was wheelchair bound for years left walking. This case was captured on video and the amazement of his sister was stark when she saw her brother getting off from his bed after the healing was completed. This man entered in a wheel chair and had to be lifted onto the bed. He left walking. 

There were also cases where patients who had suffered strokes and could not lift their arms reaching up their hands to their head effortlessly after the healing.

Another patient in his eighties narrated as below;

“The energy was clearly very strong. The organising was impeccable. Utmost courtesy and respect was shown by the Sri Lankan administrative team supporting the Healers Beyond Boundaries and the Light of Asia team. There were three healers allocated for each patient and once the healing started I distinctly felt that there was a shift internally as if there was a vibrant light being lit,” shared an eighty four year old practitioner of meditation whose only ailment was a slight bladder related issue for which he received the healing energy.

“I have had chemotherapy and had a breast removed five years ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer. I came to obtain this treatment hoping my immunity will improve and that I could have a better quality life,” shared a sixty five year old female who also stated that she felt an instant boost to her energy levels and the strength of the energy vibration in her body during the healing. 

One patient who had suffered a slipped disc condition for over ten years had recovered after the one hour healing. 

In each of the healings three healers are allocated and the patient is asked to lie on the bed with wonderfully clean sheets and to relax. Most of them fall asleep and this writer too was about to wander off to dreamland but with some effort stayed awake for reporting purposes!

A food based entrepreneur in her forties was quite impressed that when the healers put their hands on her eyes, the light that she saw was purple!

“See, now when I close my eyes and put my hands over them it is just darkness noh. But it was brilliant purple light that I saw when they had their palms over my eyes,” she shared in intrigued elation.

The fact that these healers connect to an elevated point of the universe from which emanates the force of creation is obvious. How they do it is not easily explainable as we are speaking of ancient learnings which were at one point common to mankind but which now have to be ferreted out and are often kept behind the radar or are ridiculed as being ‘non-evidence based.’ 

The Harmony page which encourages the mix between the theoretical and the holistic will be publishing in our upcoming editions, 5 to 10 selected case studies, based on the healings conducted in Sri Lanka by Healers Beyond Boundaries. These will be juxtaposed with analysis and commentaries by top Western Science based practitioners across the world alongside well-known healers. 

The Harmony page also will be following up with a detailed interview with Annette Muller on her life changing experience and the will power that made her not accept the medical decree given that she would be wheel chair bound. 

This writer was privileged to sit in on the internal evaluation meeting of the healers at the end of their sessions on Friday, led by Annette Muller. The Healers Beyond Boundaries team were asked to share their experience and we will cite below some of these insights. This will help the reader to understand the phenomena related to energy healing from the personal perspective of the energy healers. 

The specific question addressed by Annette to the healers was, “How did this healing camp impact you and how do you now feel as a human being?”

Following through all of the testimonies of the healers delivered in a spontaneous manner there were some very enlightening observations that makes one understand the common human condition we are in, in this temporary world. 

For example as one healer shared:

“The most amazing experience for me was that all of the energy was the same; whether it was a wealthy upper class educated person from the city or the menial worker. I had that experience where I had to do the healings for persons of these distinct social strata and the energy was absolutely undivided by these worldly social compartmentalisation,” she said.

And as another healer shared:

“This was an amazing experience in Sri Lanka and a dream come true for me. I was always wanting to go for a healing camp in a warm country and this was my dream come true.”

It is said that a truly wise person who has reached the pinnacle of inner understanding and thus connects with the cosmos has to divest all artifice and return to his or her childlike purity as does Mother Nature. Nature does not glorify in the artificial. Likewise a common quality in all of the healers were a straightforwardness, unbridled joy and a gentleness which are generally seen only children and the manner they gave their testimonies reflected this. 

Many of the persons coming to obtain the healings for diverse ailments were women and as one of the healers said in her testimony:

“I felt it was wonderful that I could give these light based energy to these women who had their whole life served others and given their energy to their family members. They felt that it was maybe the first time that they could receive healing energy back. I felt very fortunate that I was a channel to do this,” she said. 

A common statement made by the healers were that they felt that although they were technically carrying out the energy transferring that it felt that it was not them who was doing the actual healing.

“I cannot explain the profoundness. I felt the light and I felt it coming through me and then reaching this human being I was helping heal and I felt caught in the whole transferring process but it was not my doing,” another healer said. 

Most of the healers being in their mid-years have been with the Healers Beyond Boundaries team and the San Esprit school for nearly one and a half decades. However there were also few young healers who seemed enthralled by the whole experience of being part of the healing camp.

“I loved it. It was beautiful. To see someone who I healed who could not lift their hand without a grimace then laughing and lifting their arm way up high was to be the biggest joy ever. I am so happy. Thank you.”

A repeated phrase heard from the healers was thanking those who they healed for the experience of being able to heal.  This writer could not help wondering what heaven the modern world would be if every doctor who enters the Western Science based medical profession would have the same attitude.  The Healers Beyond Boundaries get nothing monetary for carrying out their healing. They have paid for their hotel and related expenses. The Light of Asia premises is provided by Naveen Gunaratne as a support mechanism to them. This is how it works the world over wherever they travel to.

“I am so happy that this healing camp has come about. I am glad that in a small way I was able to contribute,” Naveen Gunaratne stated when asked for his comments. A staunch supporter of nature based approaches to life and often providing the Light of Asia premises for deserving causes free of charge, Naveen Gunaratne is an example of social responsibility. The restaurant at the Light of Asia hosted the meals for the healers serving vegan cuisine tailored for the European palate while also having some Lankan exoticness thrown in. 

The origin of the Healers Beyond Boundaries travelling to Sri Lanka is traced to Paul Muller. A German and a friend of Annette Muller he had suggested that they have a healing camp in Colombo, adding to the dozen or so healing camps across the world held so far, mainly in Europe. 

Paul, married to a Sri Lankan has been living in this country for the past three decades but he has kept in contact with his German friends, Annette Muller being such a friend. 

A believer in all things holistic and having initiated many major projects of diverse sorts including music and arts over the years, Paul received a standing ovation from the healers for creating the link with the Light of Asia. 

“I am happy that I was able to introduce Annette to Naveen. Naveen at once accepted to support this initiative. We can see the result. So many people have experienced something profound,” he said. 

Below are the comments of Annette Muller to this writer after the last healing sessions on Friday.

“Ever since I did not let my car crash destroy my future, I pledged that in the same way I helped myself, I would help others. My passion therefore for the past two decades has been to empower people, expand consciousness and change lives. There is birth and there is death but between there is life and it has to be lived in full. Sickness is an aberration. Every millisecond this universe is growing. We are all part of the universe. We can all grow and heal ourselves. Living half alive lives, in pain and sorrow is not needed just as anger, jealousy, wars and commercialization of healing is unnecessary,” says Annette Muller.

The Harmony Page was introduced to integrate the different facets of knowledge and to especially help to re-examine how we understand the concept of ‘education.’ Hence we are happy to announce that we are undertaking a media research linked to mass communication as a theoretical discipline and healing as an energy based holistic sphere. Our attempt is to understand the possibilities for humanity when Western science becomes a collaborator with holistic healing and the role of the mass media within the realm of this potential. 

The Healers Beyond Boundaries will be conducting their healing sessions today (Saturday, 13 January) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on 17 and 18 January at the Light of Asia premises in Sama Mawatha, Pelawatte, Battaramulla. Please contact Himali – 077 0586146 for reserving a healing session.  

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