Expolanka Holdings, Ceylon Paper Sacks onboard as CA Sri Lanka training partners

Friday, 26 July 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) recently recognized Expolanka Holdings PLC and Ceylon Paper Sacks Ltd. as Strategic Level training partners. At a ceremony held recently, CA Sri Lanka President Sujeewa Rajapakse awarded the strategic level training partner certificate to Expolanka’s Head of Group Tax Hisham Mukthar and Head of Group Finance Thamesh Fernando. Rajapakse also awarded the training partner certificate to Ceylon Paper Sacks’s Director Finance K. Samarasinghe and Head of Internal Audit (Edna Group) Lakmal Gunarathne. Chief Executive Officer of CA Sri Lanka Aruna Alwis, Chairman of the Students Training & Development Committee T. Dharmarajah, and the committee’s alternate chairman Sanjaya Bandara, were also present at the event.