Economic situation has improved due to Govt’s policies: Nawaz Sharif

Wednesday, 12 November 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Premier Sharif invites German businessmen to invest in Pakistan’s energy, infrastructure sectors
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and German Chancellor Angela Merkel review a guard of honour during a welcoming ceremony at the Chancellery in Berlin, November 11, 2014. REUTERS   Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has invited German businessmen to invest in Pakistan’s energy and infrastructure sectors, offering lucrative incentives. Addressing a Pak-German Business Forum in Berlin, he said Pakistan is a natural hub of investment in the region. The Prime Minister said investment by small and medium entrepreneurs from Germany would also be beneficial for both the countries. He said: “Our tax collection has increased by 16%, inflationary pressures have softened, and large scale manufacturing is showing sustained improvement. Credit to private sector has increased manifold, as the Government has reduced its own borrowing significantly.” The Prime Minister said Pakistan’s first LNG terminal would start functioning by March next year, making gas available to its power and industrial sector. Nawaz Sharif said the Government is laying new gas pipelines, including Karachi-Peshawar and Gwadar-Nawabshah corridors. About Pakistan’s efforts to promote peace and stability in the region, he said: “We have consistently pursued the vision of creating a peaceful neighbourhood through non-interference and constructive engagement.” The Prime Minister said Pakistan extended the hand of friendship to all neighbours and he himself went to India to attend the swearing-in ceremony of the new Indian Prime Minister. He regretted that “our gestures were not reciprocated. However, we remain committed to positive engagement.” The Prime Minister said Pakistan is interacting closely with the new leadership in Afghanistan, and is consolidating its relations with Iran and China, for regional stability and development. (PBC)