Hong Kong ‘Occupy’ leaders surrender as pro-democracy protests appear to wither

Thursday, 4 December 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Reuters: Leaders of Hong Kong’s Occupy Central movement surrendered to police on Wednesday for their role in democracy protests that the government has deemed illegal, the latest sign that the civil disobedience campaign may be running out of steam. (L-R) Former head of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen walks with Occupy Central civil disobedience founders, Reverend Chu Yiu-ming, professor of sociology at Chinese University Chan Kin-man and law professor at the University of Hong Kong Benny Tai, as they arrive at the Central Police Station to voluntary surrender themselves to the police in Hong Kong -REUTERS   Three founders turned themselves in a day after calling on students to retreat from protest sites in the Asia financial centre amid fears of further violence, just hours after student leader Joshua Wong had called on supporters to regroup. Pro-Beijing groups taunted Benny Tai, Chan Kin-man and Reverend Chu Yiu-ming as they entered a police station just two subway stops from the main protest site in Admiralty, next to the Chinese-controlled city’s financial centre. The three, accompanied by Cardinal Joseph Zen, 82, former Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong, filled in forms, giving personal information, and were allowed to leave without facing any charges.