Pakistan PM lifts moratorium on death penalty after school attack

Thursday, 18 December 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Reuters) - The Pakistani prime minister lifted a moratorium on the death penalty on Wednesday, a day after Taliban gunmen attacked a school, killing 132 students and nine teachers, a government spokesman said. Pakistan began three days of mourning on Wednesday for the 141 people killed in the attack on the school in the northwestern city of Peshawar. The bloodshed has shocked the nation and put pressure on the government to do more to tackle the Pakistani Taliban insurgency. Many people have called in the media for the death penalty to be restored. “It was decided that this moratorium should be lifted. The prime minister approved,” said government spokesman Mohiuddin Wan, referring to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s approval of the decision by a ministerial committee. “Black warrants will be issued within a day or two,” he said, referring to execution orders.