Singapore economy up 2.8% in 2014

Thursday, 1 January 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

SINGAPORE (Reuters): Singapore’s economy grew 2.8% in 2014, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Wednesday, adding that productivity performance has been disappointing and needs to improve. “Our economy has performed moderately well in 2014. Growth was 2.8%,” Lee said in his New Year message, adding that real median incomes continued to rise and have increased 10% over the last five years. The Government had previously forecast that the city-state’s economy would grow by around 3% in 2014. He added that growth “will be slower than we are used to” due partly to the tightening of policies, including those on foreign workers. The government’s push to reduce a politically unpopular reliance on overseas workers has led to a tight labour market and wage pressures.