Flowyzer by 99x : Providing transparency and delivery insights for software product engineering teams

Friday, 17 May 2024 00:29 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Chief Product Officer/Product Owner Suren Rodrigo and Flowyzer Senior Manager – Delivery/Product Advocate Samra Aman

99x, a leading global product engineering company, yesterday announced the launch of its latest innovation, Flowyzer, a developer-friendly environment to provide insights on the software product engineering process. 

Flowyzer empowers software developers and product companies with unparalleled transparency, enabling them to quantify and enhance their engineering flow for tangible business results.

Flowyzer is designed to deliver insights across multiple dimensions such as speed, productivity, quality, security, and team satisfaction. At present, it supports speed and productivity dimensions, with other dimensions planned in upcoming releases. Speed is measured through multiple metrics during software development based on the time taken for task pickup, coding, reviews, rework, and deployment. These metrics provide developers with a granular understanding of their product engineering process, facilitating the identification of bottlenecks and optimisation opportunities. Productivity metrics include pull request (PR) throughput, PR loss rate, PR close rate, PR merge rate, commit size, code changes, and code churn. These metrics provide valuable insights into the pace and efficiency of software development workflows. 

99x Chief Product Officer and Product Owner of Flowyzer Suren Rodrigo said: “The platform enables the entire team to visualise how their engineering flow is working, setting the stage for continuous improvement. Information sharing is transparent and available to everyone equally. Progress updates are based on data based on the work the team is doing, not on task-level time reporting. This reflects the real value addition provided by the team.” Suren also added: “Insights at both an individual level and team level are available. Individuals can see their performance and make necessary adjustments. For 99x, this allows us to add more value as a service provider as the insights are deeper, closer to the code itself.”

Commenting on customer adoption of the platform Flowyzer Senior Manager of delivery, and Product Advocate Samra Aman said: “From a delivery standpoint the business landscape and demands are changing. Customers want to be more competitive and improve their time to market. To be able to identify bottlenecks and find areas for improvement are vital to achieve these goals. One of our customers posed this question – ‘how can you be 1% more productive each day?’ Flowyzer is a platform which measurably enables this improvement. Many of our longstanding customers are on the platform already. Our customers are equally engaged in the rollout and provide feedback for product improvements. Our customers also appreciate how the tool can optimise workflows across geographically distributed teams.”