Original Etisalat 072 subscribers urged to upgrade SIM cards before expiration

Tuesday, 9 March 2021 03:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Hutch in a statement has requested original Etisalat 072 customers presently on the Hutch network to upgrade their existing SIM cards to Hutch 072 SIM cards as soon as possible as these will be expired shortly and no longer be usable after September 2021.

According to the announcement, the original Etisalat customers who have not yet upgraded their SIM cards can upgrade to a new Hutch 072 SIM conveniently across 4,000+ Hutch SIM Upgrade points across the island. Customers can also get the new SIM delivered to their doorsteps via post ordering over the phone or online. The SIM will be delivered within three to five days upon the request. 

Along with every SIM upgrade, customers are awarded a Rs. 500 bonus which can be used for Voice, Data and SMS services over a week.

With this initiative, Hutch plans to bring all its 072 and 078 subscribers under a unified service system and provide equal benefits alongside its new SMART value proposition. The new SMART campaign titled ‘Yanko, Vango, Let’s Go Smart with Hutch’ is yet another pioneering initiative that encourages all of the Sri Lankans to be smarter in the way they think, live and act.