Panel discussion on privacy in instant messaging apps

Tuesday, 16 February 2021 02:35 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Panellists from left: WhatsApp Director for Public Policy for Asia Pacific Clair Deevy, Huawei Technologies Lanka Enterprise Business Group Co-Vice President Indika De Zoysa, and Legal Consultant/Researcher/Lecturer on Information Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Ashwini Natesan Veerabahu

Considering the current dialogue on privacy in digital applications that stemmed with the latest privacy update notice on WhatsApp, the Sri Lanka Press Institute as a precursor in making the citizens more informed on the democratic ideals has organised an online panel discussion titled ‘Is Your Privacy at Stake? – An Online Panel Discussion on Privacy in Instant Messaging Applications’ on Thursday, 18 February from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. 

The panel discussion will be held in English and the Q & A session will be facilitated in Sinhala and Tamil interpretations.

The expert panel of the online session consists of WhatsApp’s Director for Public Policy for Asia Pacific Clair Deevy, Huawei Technologies Lanka Enterprise Business Group Co-Vice President Indika De Zoysa, and Legal Consultant/Researcher/Lecturer on Information Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Ashwini Natesan Veerabahu.

Interested participants may visit the website at to register for the session or get in touch with us on Tel: +94-11-5353635,  Email: [email protected]  or Fax: +94-11-5335500 or follow social media pages at Facebook and/or Twitter handle, @SLPI.