Sysco’s global technology leadership team engages in immersive visit to Sri Lanka

Tuesday, 4 June 2024 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sysco LABS, the global in-house centre for Sysco, recently hosted the company’s entire global technology leadership team for an immersive four-day visit to Sri Lanka. 

This landmark visit saw Sysco LABS’ local teams engage and interact with Sysco’s senior tech leaders, providing colleagues direct access to global insights and guidance to enhance their growth journey at Sysco LABS. 

Sysco, the global leader in foodservice and a Fortune 500 company, has invested in Sri Lankan tech talent over the past 10 years. The visit by Sysco’s global technology leadership team included various activities, including breakout sessions and panel discussions, aimed at deepening collaboration and understanding of the innovative work being done at Sysco LABS.