CMA and ITC Infotech seminar on role of IT in sustainability management and reporting

Thursday, 16 August 2012 00:48 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Institute of Certified Management Accounts of Sri Lanka (CMA) along with ITC Infotech is organising a one-day seminar on ‘Role of IT in Sustainability Management and Reporting’ on 16 August at the Cinnamon Lakeside in Colombo.

Global Practice Head of ITC Infotech’s Sustainability practice R. Umashankar will be speaking at the seminar. ITC Infotech is a leading global IT services and solutions company and a fully owned subsidiary of ITC Ltd. ITC is one of the leading corporations globally that has integrated sustainability as a core area of their business operations, and was the first company in India to publish a sustainability report as per the GRI framework. ITC remains one of the forerunners in sustainability, being carbon positive seven years in a row, water positive 10 years in a row and solid waste recycling positive for five years. ITC was  also recently awarded the 2012 World Business and Development Award for its transformational rural initiatives in social and farm forestry programs in India at the Rio+20 United Nations Summit.

Umashankar will be speaking on sustainability and how the ‘Triple bottom line’ perspective can be integrated into an organisation’s strategy and operations. He will also expound on how Information Technology can be leveraged to aid an organisation on its sustainability journey.