Is your application security being compromised?

Wednesday, 8 August 2012 00:07 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

In today’s ever changing, competitive and transparent business environment the protection of proprietary, sensitive and confidential data from cyber threats is a constant challenge.

A wide range of enterprises from educational institutions to healthcare providers, retailers, defence, banks and government agencies offer services online. These services, at times, transmit process and/or store confidential and sensitive information.  Additionally, the emergence of social media applications has increased the risk to all data in cyber space and internal systems.

But what happens if one morning the quantifiers are defective and information become unreliable> Central to decision making and information dissemination is secure data storage. Wouldn’t compromising on information security be equivalent to placing years of hard work on building reputation and good will of your company, employees, intellectual property, investments and shareholders at immeasurable risk?

During the past five years, the threats that arose through hacking and virus infusions have doubled year on year. Out of which application failures from smart phones and tabs such as android, iOS, etc., showed a trend of increasing 105% year on year since 2009. The Trojan is the highest and yet identified sample of mobile threat in 2011 while viruses and worms raked next highest.

eCybersec Information Security Consulting has developed limitless levels of assessment services to address these cyber security risks.  The holistic approach used through the assessment services enables the user to derive a plan of action, tailored to a specific organisation’s needs.

This system understands the dynamics and complexities of employees, internal processes and the technological mechanisms on network infrastructure. Since a generic security system does not ensure safety of information on multiple platforms, eCybersec Information Security Consulting personalises security platforms at affordable standards.

Utilising in-house research and development and out of the box thinking, eCybersec Information Security Consulting methodologies identifies unknown flaws that hinder functionality and safety in website and mobile phone applications. These are in compliance with International and Industry Standards and regulations (PCI-DSS, OWASP and OSSTMM).

eCybersec application security offers a safer platform as an Information Asset Protector company. Customising according to the company and developing comprehensive security assessments of preliminary, automated Attack Surface manual analysis and focuses only on areas which address high risk threats and which does not get detected by generic security providers. For high risk institutions such as banking and finance, stock brokering and Forex trading companies ensuring information security beyond generic password protection and logins are crucial for its success.

Advance Persistence Threats and Zero Day Attacks are some of the key attack vectors which many companies face in the current context. Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), an extremely sophisticated class of targeted attacks, are complex, custom exploits and are designed to infiltrate a targeted network without detection and to remain undetected for extended periods.  eCybersec will also advise clients in precautionary and mitigation postures to ensure increased security.  

Addressing custom applications running on Apple iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Mobile environments in line with third party/ enterprise web services and other connected resources, eCybersec mobile security assessment methodology ensures that mobile applications are analysed for better source code review to meet best industry standards before its launch for public usage.  

eCyberSec is a Sri Lankan based company. The founder and MD of eCyberSec counts more than 13 years of experience in the field of IT, with a main focus on Information Security. He has over two years of active involvement in key projects in an IT Security Consultation firm in Singapore, appointed by the Government Data Centre IT systems Audits and gained immeasurable amount of experience by working closely with the Monetary Authority of Singapore for Compliance Regulatory Requirements which needed to comply for all financial intuitions across Singapore.

eCybersec stands tall as an IT security consulting provider geared with the latest trends and know how on the development of high security requirements by rigorous IT security research, mobile application security, source code review and web application penetration testing. For more information please do visit